28 February 2010

Retrun to Swanage

I've been pining to get back out side and do some proper climbing lately, and with a slight reprieve in the weather yesterday I managed to get a few routes in down at Subluminal.

After chatting to a couple of guys from Oxford - who had just got soaked by a rouge wave! - I had a warm up on Curving Crack (S 4a). The crack being a ta damp felt quite pumpy, but luckily I passed it with a bit of hand jamming.

I followed with a new ascent on Dolphin (VS 4b) next door to Curving Crack. A nice little route with some good moves.

About to move on to the next climb, wetter weather was on the horizon. Whilst the two from Oxford decided to call it a day, I was safe in the knowledge i had my bothy bag to sit out the bad weather.

As it turns out, my bothy wasn't that waterproof anymore! But luckily the bad weather only lasted 15 minutes, and I managed to stuff a couple egg & bacon sandwiches down my throat.

The sun shone again, and after about 20 mins the rock was mostly dry again.

I abbed down to the ledge hoping to climb Freda, but managed to end up climbing the Second Corner (S 4a) instead.

By now it was 3pm, so I decided to get one more climb in and head for a beer.

I finished on Spreadeagle (VS 5a) which turned out to be the most enjoyable climb of the day. Fine moves up to a roof, after passing the roof it finished up a smooth groove and a lovely top out! I'll be doing that one again!

Now as I sit here looking out the window at the rain, I know it was all worth it!

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