17 May 2010

Back Down Swanage

The past three weeks I have been back down Swanage climbing with Stuart and Gregg.

Two weeks ago Stuart and I visited Subluminal where I done some repeats from last year, but also onsighted Suspension (Sev 4a) which I previously thought I had climbed but turns out I took the wrong line and actually climbed Whynot (HS 4b).

After convincing Stuart he should have a go at Face Away (VS 4c), he had a bash at Slip Road (VS 4c). But couldn't (dare I say it!) commit to the crux move. So ended up having to ab down and clean the route.

Stuart abbing back down Slip Road

This weekend I took Gregg down to the Cattle Troughs for his first taste of outdoor climbing. We done Chockney (VD 4a), The Chimney (VD/Sev 4a) and Pulpit Route (Diff), where he seconded me on all.

Gregg topping out on Pulpit Route

Good times!

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