1 June 2011

New adventures!

This weekend, Brad and I visited Fairy Cave Quarry in Somerset. This end of the Mendips, its a nice place to go for a change from the sea cliffs and it provides some longer climbs.

The day started out grey, but at least dry. The first climb was Cookie Crumbles, a VDiff. Still a lot of loose rock on it but quite a nice climb nonetheless. After reaching the top and realising an abseil decent would be necessary, it occurred to me the 50m single rope we had would not do. So Brad grabbed the double ropes so we could make our escape.

After one or two light showers, Brad had a go at another VDiff called Who Needs Hair Anyway? A fair bit of loose rock/dirt again and a bit run out. Brad seemed to keep his cool ok though. I think it might need regrading to a Hard VDiff personally!

The showers continued for while so climbing was off for a bit. So we made an ascent up the Alpine Ridge (PD) and explored the quarry from the top.

By the time we had climbed back down, the sun had come out and dried things up nicely. So before we left we top roped Balch's Slide (HS 4a) and Rob's Crack (VS 4c). Both lovely climbs, though I preferred the subtle moves on Balch's Slide.

A great day, can't wait to go back soon!

Retreating from our first climb - Cookie Crumbles

Brad tiptoeing his way up Who needs Hair Anyway?

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