15 July 2010

Weeks gone by...

Its been a few weeks since I posted something, so I thought I'd catch people up on what I've been doing.

A few weekends ago Gregg, Stuart, Jim and I went sport climbing at Blacknor Beach on Portland. It was another sweltering hot day, but lapped in suncream we enjoyed some good climbs.

After Stuart and Jim had taken a dip in the sea to cool off, we headed over to The Cuttings where we spent the night. Unfortunately Gregg was unable to join us.

As we moved towards the coast the sea mist came rolling in, and everything became a little more eerie as the sun set over The Cuttings. Fortunately Jim was carrying his own body weight in fire wood, and we were kept warm for the night as we tucked up in our bivi bags!

Mist surrounds The Cuttings Boulderfield as the sun sets.

"Me Man, Man create fire!"

Last weekend Stuart and I went down to Winspit Quarry, done a few climbs and sampled the local Square & Compass. A good day which was a little cooler than usual thanks to a nice breeze!

Stuart tackles a F4+ at Winspit Quarry.

Monday, Gregg and I went to Fort Purbrook to try and build up some stamina. Again this was followed by visiting the local at the top of the hill, The George.

This weekend sees the return of some trad climbing down Swanage before Cerian and I set off for Snowdonia in a little over a week.

Roll on the holidays!

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