9 March 2011

Welcome back!

I know I've been gone ages, but I haven't really done a lot of climbing to be honest.

All the good snow came down before Christmas, and by the time it got to our holiday at the end of January, it had all melted away! I guess you take that risk when as far south as Snowdonia.

Not all snow had gone, and I did get to practice my step cutting a couple of times. There was mostly cornice snow left and a little bit in the gullies. We got a light dusting whilst we were there - which made it feel a bit more wintery and picturesque! Photo's can be found here.

I checked out Cheddar a few weekends ago with Tristan, where we found some pleasant climbs up by the French Pinnacle. One of which isn't in the guide book (so may be a new route) but felt about Severe or Hard Severe which I led onsight. Photo's of that can be found here.

Lastly, Brad and I had some fun down Swanage again for the first time this year. Bloody cold start, but it warmed up eventually! See pictures.


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