14 September 2011

Late Summer Sun (and wind!)

Greg, Brad and I enjoyed the delights of sunny Swanage this weekend. I haven't been climbing down there since the beginning of the summer, as all the tourists get in the way and make traffic terrible!

It was however fairly windy all weekend, mostly because the tail of hurricane Katia was heading towards the UK. But still it did not detract from the fun!

Greg and I arrived at Subliminal Saturday morning, and found it to be pretty wet from the showers earlier. After a quick top rope of Gangway (Severe), we moved on to Pedestal Crack (Difficult). We abseiled down on to the ledge, where Greg quickly learned why you always carry prusik loops! I gave him crash course in ascending a rope, and off he went to get the rope we forgot.

Pedestal Crack was short lived, but an interesting struggle in the wet!

We then went on to climb Highstreet (Difficult) and Face (Severe 4a), which ended our day climbing. Greg and I camped over night and Brad joined us in the morning.

Sunday proved to be a little windier, and the seas a bit rougher!

We started at Subliminal again, but soon decided to head to the Cattle Troughs as the cliffs where getting soaked by waves and spray from the sea.

We did not totally evade the waves at the Troughs, as I get soaked by a rouge wave whilst investigating climbs on the ledge. Then Greg and I got soaked again - just before I was about to follow Brad up a climb - which completely soaked half of the cliff. I managed to stay on just about.

While Brad and Greg went on to climb The Chimney (Severe 4a) and Constallation (Severe 4a), I experimented on another part of the cliff with roped solo climbing.

Solo climbing has interested me for a little while. I'm not talking about climbing without a rope, I belay myself as I climb and if I did fall the rope will still hold me. So it was a chance for me to dabble with some different methods of doing it and see which I found best.

And that ended a great weekend in the sun. Back to Fairy Cave soon!

Choppy waves at Subliminal

Greg and Brad topping out on The Chimney

Before the soaking!

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